Ethics in Higher Education for Better Lives and Societies

Governance, Cyber Ethics and Sustainability
Rudolf von Sinner (Editor)


Within this collaborative endeavour between Globethics and the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, a distinguished group of twenty-one ethicists and specialists from eight diverse countries convene to deliberate on the intricate ethical dilemmas in higher education. Immersed in a profound exploration, they meticulously examine the internal methodologies and external impacts orchestrated within the academic sphere, placing a keen emphasis on the fundamental principles, varied perceptions, and consequential actions that support these deliberations. Through this comprehensive work, a triad of pivotal themes rises and facilitates sharing best practices globally: ethical governance, the intricacies of cyber ethics — particularly concerning generative artificial intelligence—and the imperative of sustainability in promoting actions and fostering academic contributions for the responsible use of water and mitigation of climate change.